T&SR Times “Holiday Newsletter”

At T&SR, the consumers frequently have writing assignments in order to foster creativity and self-expression.  A recent assignment about eliciting vocabulary provided the basis for this quarters’ newsletter.  Inside you will also read consumer stories about...

Chartiers’ Supervisory Staff Attend Retreat

On Friday, December 2nd, Chartiers’ Management  and Supervisory Staff participated in a day long retreat. The first half of the day Michael Celender, from LifeSolutions, presented a course on “Managing Your Time.” Staff learned about setting goals...


As we gather to celebrate Thanksgiving with family and friends, the management at Chartiers Center wants to extend our gratitude to our staff, consumers, volunteers, dedicated funders and supportive community. We remain committed to providing compassionate support to...

Lifesharing Recognizes Bill and Ruth Holzapfel

On Thursday, October 6, 2016 Ruth and Bill Holzapfel were recognized for their 40yrs. of service to Chartiers Center’s Lifesharing Program.  Ruth and Bill have opened their home to over a dozen Intellectually Disabled individuals over the course of those years and...

Volunteers from Victorian Finance Serving Up Lunch

Thank you to the volunteers from Victorian Finance who helped serve the lunch at our indoor picnic for the individuals in Chartiers’ IDD Program. The staff prepared a picnic lunch of hamburgers, salad and chips. The volunteers helped serve each meal made to...